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Going to Ghana 3.0
Praise God, as of today, the borders to Ghana have reopened.
Did you hear my joy cry across the miles?

Details, Schmeetails

There are a lot of details and new rules and regulations that I will be wading through in these next weeks. There is also a recognition that situations and plans can change quickly. Some of the big next steps and prayer requests include:
*Apply for a visa (not sure how long this process will take)
*Get tickets (depending on how long it takes to get accepted for a visa)
*Packing has been complete since July 😊 (so no need for this to be added to the list)
*Say goodbye to everyone (one of the hardest tasks)
*Get a COVID test upon leaving Canada and after arrival in Ghana. If the COVID test is negative, I can proceed to the SIM office and prepare to return home to Tumu.💕
Please pray for wisdom in God’s timing of when to book flights and what airline to use.

Thank you so much to all of you who prayed for me and encouraged me in this time of waiting. It has been extremely hard in some ways, and yet it has been such a good time of growth and being with family, friends, the church and those God brought into my life in these months.
❤ Charity
If you would like to support my ministry in Ghana you can find information on how to do this at the following address:
You can also contact SIM Canada at 1-800-294-6918
10 Huntingdale Blvd, Scarborough, ON, M1W 2S5
Copyright © 2020 Charity Cadieux, All rights reserved.
You have received this email because you have shown interest in my ministry in Ghana.

My mailing address is:
Box 79 Tumu, Ghana Upper West Region

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SIM · 10 Huntingdale Blvd · Scarborough, Ont M1W 2S5 · Canada

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