Current Elders & Board Members
The SCC Board is responsible for the effective operation of the church. For more information about our governance structure, please download our Constitution & Bylaws.
To contact the Board directly, please email
Wendy Badley
Ryan Campbell (Elder)
Matt Gienger
Steve Janz (Elder & Board Chair)
Murphy Lucas (Board Secretary)
Colin Mayes (Elder)
Dave Parkinson (Board Treasurer)
Tim Walton (Elder & Vice-Chairman)
Terry Warden
2. Board: The board is responsible for the effective operation of the church. The board affirms the vision, approves the goals, oversees membership, and has the authority to act on behalf of the church on all matters not specifically reserved for the members, pastors, or other staff.
2.1. Qualifications: Board members must be active members in good standing for at least one year, and demonstrate the character qualities outlined in 1 Tim. 3:8-13.
2.2. Term: Each elected member of the board serves for three years, for no more than two successive terms, and must have a minimum of one year off the board following two successive terms. A reasonable attempt will be made to stagger the terms of the board in order to retain approximately half of the board in any given year.
2.3. Composition: The board consists of no less than five and no more than eleven voting members. The lead pastor is a non-voting, ex-officio member of the board. The specific number of positions to be filled each year is determined by the existing board. The chair, vice-chair, secretary, and treasurer are selected by the board. The secretary and treasurer may cause to carry out their respective functions through church staff.
3. Elders: Elders oversee the spiritual care of the church. They ensure that the church is pursuing its Biblical purpose and remains true to essential Biblical doctrines. Together with the pastoral staff, elders pray for the spiritual growth and purity of the church and its members and provide counsel and discipline for the church members when needed. Elders develop the vision of the church in collaboration with the pastors and board. All elders who are not pastoral staff are voting members of the board.
3.1. Qualifications: Elders must be active members in good standing for at least one year, and demonstrate character qualities outlined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9
3.2. Term: Elders serve for three-year terms and may be elected for no more than two successive terms and must have one year off following two successive terms. Elders may resign with good reason by giving thirty days written notice unless otherwise agreed upon by the board.
3.3. Composition: Elders constitute no less than three and no more than five voting members of the board.